Sustainable offerings

Digitalisation poses both serious risks and immense opportunities. It impacts the environment and can be used to threaten and harm individuals, organisations, and entire societies. But digitalisation and new technologies can also be used to protect the environment and contribute towards many of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). We need to make sure that IT is used to promote rather than hinder sustainable development.

Group goals

Integrity and information security

The importance of providing an open, free, secure, resilient, and peaceful cyberspace is the main reason why Advania considers integrity and information security to be one of the top prioritised sustainability aspects.

Advania Group’s goal is to ensure high competence and awareness of information security among all employees, so they are able to deliver vital customer assignments: Employees educated in information security: 100%

Reaching global, regional, and national climate objectives requires significant change in many areas in a short period of time. Find out more in our report:

Activities and progress


Group-wide GDPR uplift

During the year, we conducted acomprehensive GDPR uplift project. The mandatory training in GDPR started in the end of the year and continued in 2022 to reach all employees. When the project was finalised, we decided to continue to coordinate our GDPR measures and formed the Advania Group Data Privacy Forum with representatives from all countries.


Circular economy

There is plenty of room for improvement in making IT more circular – IT hardware can become more sustainable both in the production phase as well as through responsible reuse and recycling. To come closer to closing the loop, Advania works with suppliers and offers customers take-back of IT products.


Digitalisation and innovation

Digitalisation is an extremely powerful tool. If employed wisely, it can help tackle some
of our greatest challenges and accelerate the transition to a better, more sustainable
future. Sustainable thinking is integrated into our business – we offer sustainable IT solutions and raise awareness of the benefits of digitalisation.